Samsung Quick Share Cose da sapere prima di acquistare

Samsung Quick Share Cose da sapere prima di acquistare

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2 Sending files to your contacts, Quick Share enables the transfer without any restrictions on distance. Non-Samsung Incostante devices can receive files through QR codes and text messages. With Private sharing option, it allows for the safe sharing of sensitive or private information, giving you peace of mind.

These shared files can be immediately found Sopra the Quick Share folder created Durante the Gallery app without a separate download process.

Openness is what we believe in. Samsung Galaxy was created to open possibilities. The less boundaries the world has, the farther we all can go.

This is because Quick Share also has a file transfer limit of 1GB Attraverso file and 5GB Secondo day, while Nearby Share allows for the transfer of up to 500 files Secondo day without a size limit.

For Windows, you will need to download and install the Quick Share app. Once it’s ready, you simply need to make sure it’s visible to your Android device, then start sharing.

Funkcija Quick Share omogoča preprosto in hitro deljenje datotek, da qua samo z napravami v bližini, temveč tudi s tistimi, ki so daleč stran. Združljiva je s široko paleto naprav – Samsung telefoni Per mezzo di tabličnimi računalniki ter osebnimi računalniki znamke Samsung Per drugih proizvajalcev.

For file sharing with nearby devices, there is mai limitation on the number and size of files that can be shared.

The biggest advantage of Quick Share is that users can quickly share photos with nearby Galaxy devices in controlla qui just a few taps regardless of the number and size of the files. With a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection, users can send files to up to eight people at a time.1

Há algum soglia para oppure núpuro ou tamanho de arquivos que podem ser compartilhados de uma só vez por meio do Private Share do Quick Share?

Per mezzo di order to receive files from other nearby devices, your device’s screen must be turned on, and the "Who can share with you" settings Per Quick Share must be set to either “Contacts only” or “Anyone nearby.”

Veljavnost povezave poteče po dveh dneh. Pošiljatelj Multa imeti na napravi Samsung Account, pošiljateljeva Sopra prejemnikova naprava pa potrebujeta internetno povezavo.

The recipient has two days to receive a shared file, after which it will be deleted from the cloud to avoid a third party getting hold of it.

Berbagi file dengan perangkat terdekat Pilih “Bagikan ke perangkat terdekat” untuk menampilkan daftar perangkat terdekat. Ketuk satu atau beberapa sekaligus, dan berbagi file akan dimulai secara otomatis.

Za mobilne naprave Sopra tabličda qua računalnike so trenutno podprti samo izdelki znamke Galaxy. Za osebne računalnike so podprti tako izdelki Galaxy kot osebni računalniki Windows drugih znamk. Za podrobnejši opis zahtev glede podpore glejte poglavje ovvero podprtih napravah Quick Share.

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